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Coronary Interventions Monthly eNewsletter
August 2023

Welcome to this month's edition of the Coronary Interventions eNewsletter.

The field of interventional cardiology continues to rapidly evolve, therefore it's crucial for us to remain connected and informed. This monthly eNewsletter aims to be your go-to resource on all things happening within Coronary Interventions at Teleflex.

If there are additional topics you would like to include in next month's eNewsletter, please reach out to anyone on the Coronary Marketing Team.

Product Updates

GuideLinerTM Catheter Family Updates

Sales Competition is Heating Up!
Congrats to the Upper Midwest team for winning the regional award prior to month end! Look for continued updates on the competition every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Fun Facts
1,770,040 units sold globally since inception
$596,244,2873.41 in revenue since inception
$69,768,248.08 in 2022 global revenue 
78 countries with regulatory clearance for GuideLiner™ Catheter
– 1,650 miles of guide extension sold since inception

GuideLinerCoast and V3 Resources
GuideLiner Coast Sell Sheet 
– GuideLiner Catheter Family Brochure
– GuideLiner Coast IFU

Products Cleared From Backorder/ Discontinuation

#1  7 fr. TrapLiner has cleared backorder and will likely continue rolling backorder through August!

#2  Guidewire 7327 is undergoing discontinuation. Affected customers should be notified. Please reach out to Lexxus (Betts) Keyes for a copy of the communication.

#3  Guardian™ 8215 is currently on a rolling backorder. Please look out for additional communication regarding the timeline for replenishment.

CVI Tradeshow Recap

CVI 2023 was held in Austin, Texas from July 20-22. Our presence at CVI was amplified by our hands-on breakfast event, as well as the strategic booth placement that provided maximum visibility and foot traffic. 

Renowned experts, Dr. Kevin Croce, Dr. Stephane Rinfret, and Dr. Anita Asgar were the star attractions at our interactive breakfast event. Their 
engaging presentations and insightful discussions drew in more than 50 enthusiastic attendees! The breakfast proved to be an excellent platform for showcasing our cutting-edge products and services, as well as fostering meaningful interactions.

CVI 2023 was a remarkable opportunity for Teleflex Interventional to standout as the expert within the industry. Throughout the event, our team demonstrated exceptional dedication and enthusiasm by engaging with attendees, promoting our products, and answering questions. We look forward to capitalizing on the momentum gained and continuing to expand our influence in the market.

Photo of Teleflex at CVI 2023

Sales Wins

Congratulations to Vinnie Pompeo for working with Mount Sinai Medical Center in NYC and converting sales to the GuideLiner™ Catheter Family following the launch of  GuideLiner™ Coast™.  Historically, Mount Sinai Medical Center in NYC has been dedicated to a competitive product for their guide extension needs. This is a great GuideLinerCatheter Family win!

Upcoming Events & OnDemand Webinars

The Coronary Marketing Team

Nicholas Sweere - Global Marketing Manager

Nicholas Sweere

Global Marketing Manager, Interventional
P: 612.322.3752
Lexxus (Betts)Keyes Global Commercial Product Manager, Interventional

Lexxus (Betts) Keyes

Global Commercial Product Manager, Interventional
P: 919.370.6636

Dan Farrell Global Product Manager, Interventional

Dan Farrell

Global Product Manager, Interventional
P: 765.748.4176

Marketing Communications Specialist, Interventional

Tayler Vulcano

Marketing Communications Specialist, Interventional
P: 310.408.5810
Previous Coronary Interventions eNewsletters: